Keep the Integrity of Jersey City’s Mayoral Elections: JCCC opposes shifting Jersey City elections
from May to November because: (1) Combining Jersey City's elections with elections for Governor,
State Legislature and School Board will take away the focus on local issues that a separate election day affords,
and (2) a ballot where up to 70 candidates compete for some 14 offices will overwhelm voters and force them to
make more than a dozen selections on one visit to the voting booth.
End Property Tax Favoritism and Conduct the Long Overdue Reval: Jersey City has not had a property tax revaluation in 27 years, and, consequently, the valuations of properties are out whack and the City loses millions of dollars every year to tax appeals. Even more problematic is the fact homeowners in the low-income areas of Greenville and Bergen-Lafayette are paying improperly inflated taxes
Instill Fairness in Hiring and Contracting: As has been documented in the press, many contracts issued by the Fulop Administration have been handed to donors or politically powerful firms, while many hires are patronage for either local political supporters or connected politicians from strategic locales that can assist Mayor Fulop’s effort to seize the governor’s seat. As a result, several high-ranking Fulop appointees have resigned in scandal.
Community Policing and Improving Public Safety: While Fulop made public safety a centerpiece of his campaign, his record in this area is exceedingly poor. He ended police foot patrols when he became mayor, and only recently reinstated them after public outcry for community policing. Yet the small fraction of cops dedicated to the beat does not constitute community policing. Moreover, serious mistakes, like appointing a Chief of Police that Fulop had to fire after less than a year on the job, hurt morale in the ranks.
Improve Parks and Create More Open Space: Jersey City is poised to add several world class parks to its already impressive list urban green spaces. JCCC advocates for completion of new parks like the Reservoir, Emabnkment, Skywaypark and Berry Lane Park, as or an for an effort to connect all Jersey City Park thru urban trails.